
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tune in Tuesday {1}

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly feature created by Ginger at GReads! to spread a little music love! Until further notice, this feature is being hosted by Katelyn at Kate's Tale of Books and Bands. Katelyn and Ginger are two of my favorite book bloggers, and I participated with some regularity at Surrounded By Words. I've decided to continue participating in Tune in Tuesday on All The Things because it's one of my favorite features!

This week, I'd like to bring some attention to one of my favorite singers, Alison Sudol, who publishes her music under the name A Fine Frenzy. And today just happens to be the release date for A Fine Frenzy's third album, PINES! I'm so excited for this album, I've had it pre-ordered on iTunes for a month. Alison has an amazing voice and her songwriting ability just blows me away. She's doing something unique with the album and telling a fable of a pining tree who is given the chance to make a life of her own. She's also releasing a book in conjunction with the album. I'm intrigued by this concept and excited to see how she's expressed her life experiences through the music and story. I've loved everything she has done so far and can't wait to listen to the album. Today I'm bringing you the video trailer for the album, the first single, an interview with Alison, and a video from TakePart TV of The Story of Pines (this one is about 16 minutes, just to warn you). Enjoy! 

PINES Album Trailer

"Now Is The Start" by A Fine Frenzy

A Fine Frenzy - Interview

The Story of Pines from Alison Sudol - TakePart TV

I have a quick question for you. I'm hoping that as I build All The Things, my other blog, Surrounded By Words, will gradually be revived as well. Should I post Tune in Tuesday on both blogs, or would that be excessive? Another option is to alternate weeks. What do you think? For the records, I'm really bad at making decisions on my own.

Monday, October 8, 2012

...You Should Know About This Blog

Well, hello there! Welcome to All The Things! 

I'm Molly and this is my new blog. Does everything look alright? 

In 2009, I created my book blog, Surrounded By Words, but over time I noticed that my posts and reviews would become sporadic whenever life got hectic. During times when I wasn't reading as much, the blog would fall to the wayside, as it has for much of this year. I found myself wanting a less specified blog where I could write about things that inspire me, crafts I'm working on, and general goings-on in my life. Thus, All The Things was born. 

I love crafting, reading, knitting, music, and cooking, so you can expect posts on all of these areas and probably much more.  I'm also continually learning how to live with Crohn's Disease and have found great support through internet communities. I'm hoping that I can extend that to this blog and bring information and hope to others. There really isn't a set plan for the content on All The Things, which was kind of the point in creating a new blog.

I'm excited to see what develops through this blog and to share my journey with the readers who find me. I'm waiting with open arms embrace what life brings: the good, the bad, and the unexpected.